Mrs. Johannah Robinette
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Mrs. Johannah Robinette

Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor | MA/Ed.S, LCMHC, NCC

As a native of Iredell County, it is my privilege to counsel individuals who live here and in surrounding areas. Past experience includes working with adults of all ages, couples, children and teens. I have six years of experience counseling individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, parenting issues, low self-esteem, and intellectual/developmental disabilities (ID/DD). I especially empathize with the DD population due to personally experiencing many of the struggles faced by having a daughter who was born with Spina bifida. I align with the theoretical perspective that treatment meant to ease emotional, mental, or physical discomfort is not fully effective until we acknowledge the spiritual aspect of our difficulty, which leads me to integrate Christian principles with compatible psychological perspectives such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Nature-Based Therapy.

The Bible references various “Gardens” such as “The Garden of Eden” (Genesis 3) where Adam and Eve first experienced a sense of failure, shame, and remorse. At times , we too experience this and as a result we often attempt to live our lives outside the presence of God. Just as God called out to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:9), He calls out to us. The same God who came looking for Adam and Eve in The Garden, is the same God who comes looking for those who are experiencing a heart of brokenness and provides a way for those who desire to come back into the presence of God.